May 27, 2012

Let's try this again!

I'm going to try blogging again...  Aidan is getting so big.  He is 2.5 & really starting to push to find his boundaries, which is very trying for mommy & daddy. 

August 24, 2010

Our 10 mo. Well Visit

Aidan had his 10 mo. Well Visit today.  He is in the 90th percentile (@18.75") for head circumference, 50th percentile (@28") for length & 10th percentile (@17lbs 10oz) for weight.  Dr. Kidd gave him a clean bill of health & says he is doing great.  He can now eat any food other then honey!

Greg keeps saying that with a noggin that large hopefully there are some brains in there too.  I always laugh at that since Aidan is already very vocal jabbering up a storm; saying dadda, what sounds like bye, ok, yea, and occasionally dog.  

When we were at lunch today there was a baby there that was 3 days younger than Aidan & he wasn't waving or jabbering.  He was drinking from a bottle & was brought in sitting in his car seat carrier. (let me add there is nothing wrong with this, just using it as a comparison to what Aidan is doing) Aidan sits in a high chair when we go out; he drinks through sippy cups mainly with straws or through the restaurants kiddie cups; he eats regular food when we are there too.  

I know you're not suppose to compare your kids to other kids, but its so hard not to do.  The other baby today looked healthy & happy, which is all that really matters in the end. 

Aidan is becoming very independent in some ways & not in others.  He wants to feed himself, drink from the water bottle like we do, play with the remote for the TV & play with our laptops.  Where he isn't independent is when it comes to going to sleep; he still wants me for comfort at nap time and bed time; or playing in an area where we are in sight but not right there with him.

Ok Aidan is about ready for bed.  Just waiting til 10:30 so we can give him another dose of pain meds since he got a shot at the Dr.'s office today.


August 23, 2010

Here we go......

I've been wanting to start a blog about how our lives have changed since Aidan joined our family since January.... 

Well here it is late August and I'm finally making my first post.  It is hard to believe that Aidan will be a year old in less then 2 months, it doesn't seem like that much time has passed since they placed him in my arms after giving birth to him; I guess that is what lack of sleep and a demanding 'almost' toddler do to your sense of time.

How things have changed....
  • Sleeping soundly or for how long you would like is no longer allowed
  • Completing thoughts or tasks without interruption... yeah right, not in my wildest dreams does this ever happen
  • We breast feed, co-slept, cloth diaper, don't practice "letting him cry it out", & are exposing him to baby sign language.... if you would have asked me even on the way home from the hospital I would have said there was no way he would ever sleep in the same bed with or ever wear cloth diapers or be contemplating breast feeding past a year old & I probably would have looked at you like you had 3 heads for even thinking that.

Aidan is a very active, happy, & loving little boy.  He cruises well from the couch to the coffee table to the couch again.  He pushes his fire truck and even rides it on occasion too.  I'm sure he'll decide to let go of the furniture and walk any day, he already stands on his own for a few seconds at a time.  We have our 10 mo. well visit this Tuesday so we will know how he is doing on the growth charts.

Well I think I will end this blog here and I'll post more later.

Oh, Aidan did do something rather amusing yesterday... we decided to let him go around bare butt for a little while this afternoon and not even 30 sec after he was let loose to roam the living room, I feel this warm liquid hit my big toe... he was peeing while he cruised around the coffee table giggling as he went.& I guess he showed us why we don't let him go bare butt very often! :)